Sunday 1 May 2011


The “kouza” dance.

A long time ago the basic need for clean water for the residents of Cyprus was not considered an easy task like it is in our days. The reason for this was because the houses were not equipped with clean running water from the tap and therefore people had to go to the central fountain of the village or town and carry water in clay water jars called "kouza" to their houses.
This was the job of the young girls of each household since the boys were involved in cultivation and animal herding.

During those times the mere communication between a young man and a young woman was a great insult to both their families. Young people of the opposite sex were not allowed to speak or even look at each other. Youngsters took advantage of chores like filling up the “kouza” at the fountain or herding the animals in the fields, to meet with their loved one.

This is somewhat how our own story begins in this dance that we are about to present to you. The dance of the “kouza” is the love story between a young couple that met at their village fountain. In his effort to go closer to the girl that he loves, the young man causes the girl to drop her clay jar and break it. This incident will become the villages’ new gossip and will ‘hopelessly’ drive the young couple to marriage




Hello George, so glad to heard from you. I think you will have the best dance again.

Irene said...

Hello George! I like the story of your traditional dance very much, it sounds so intriguing!I'm looking forward to watching it. Good luck!